Sunday, June 10, 2012

What's in a Name

Once upon a time, my husband gifted me with this blog so that I could write about all things TV. A lot has happened since then. With a newborn, I didn't find much time to watch all my favorite shows and I certainly didn't have time to write about them. Then came kiddo number two. Finally they sleep through the night and go to school, or at this time, summer camps, and I have time, or stolen moments. Alas, we canceled our cable last summer (the trials and tribulations that go with satellite and cable companies had finally become too much) and though with my HD antenna I am able to keep up with the networks, cable has taken a backseat. No more TBS and TNT. Lifetime is free on their website the next day (often without commercials). I love HuluPlus (even if the USA network is on a 5 week delay) and Netflix (I will wait to see Breaking Bad and Weeds until they are no longer being talked about). I resort to iTunes for my Madmen and Deadliest Catch fixes. So, what will I write about? A bit about the tube and a bit about life with two kids. Happy reading.

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